‘World No Tobacco Day’ (31st May 2017): Tobacco – A Threat to Development

by | May 31, 2017 | Awareness Day/Month

A yearly celebration since 1987, ‘World No Tobacco Day’ observed on 31st of May, is an initiative by World Health Organization (WHO). The main aim to mark this day is to highlight the health risks associated with tobacco consumption and advocate for implementation of effective policies which in turn can help in reducing tobacco uses.

Facts and Figures

  • Tobacco causes cancers (head and neck, lung, blood, stomach, kidney, pancreas, colon, bladder, cervix etc.) cardiovascular diseases, respiratory diseases, pregnancy complications and still birth, congenital malformations and several other debilitating diseases.

  • Every year 6 million people die from tobacco use. By 2030, the number is predicted to rise upto 8 million, if intensified quick action is not taken.

  • National economies and health-care costs are negatively impacted by tobacco uses.

  • Low- or middle-income countries (LMIC) reports approximately 80% of premature tobacco‑related deaths.

  • Tobacco cultivation contributes to global deforestation (2% – 4%), water and land pollution (since growing requires large amounts of pesticides and fertilizers) and significant generation of solid waste.

  • The National Cancer Institute (NCI) in collaboration with WHO found that the global economy is burdened with US$1 trillion annually as a result of tobacco use.


World No Tobacco Day 'World No Tobacco Day’ (31st May 2017): Tobacco - A Threat to Development


According to the WHO 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, countries must prioritize and accelerate tobacco control efforts. Tobacco epidemic once controlled will support the health, economy and development of a nation. Alongside, it will lessen the environmental burden of tobacco growing, manufacturing, trade and consumption.

Indian Scenario

As per the National Organization for Tobacco Eradication (NOTE), an Indian federation of 20 non-governmental organizations (founded in 1992) works towards networking and coordinating campaigns of various institutions and NGOs across the country and aims to bring about governmental policy changes which tackle the tobacco problem of our nation.

Way Forward and Developmental Goals

  • The WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (WHO FCTC) treaty, signed with 180 Parties (179 countries and the European Union), guides countries to ward off interference from the tobacco industry in government tobacco control policy.

  • Increase in worldwide cigarette taxes will contribute to government revenue generation. Alongside, it will also reduce the demand for tobacco and help in financing national development activities.

Tobacco control laws and regulations generated and implemented around the globe can promote sustainable agriculture and economic growth, save people dying of hunger, break the poverty cycle, and fight against climate change.

We, Turacoz healthcare solutions, support ‘World No Tobacco Day’, 2017 and urge people to refrain from any form of tobacco consumption and use. We must all join hands and raise our voice against both active and passive smoking so that a brighter and healthier future is ensured for our younger generation and our nation. Healthy food, healthcare and education is what we all deserve, let us not lose it to the tobacco smoke.
