You might wonder about the title of this article, figuring out how manners can make you a star. But before we explain you how, let’s look at the story of 2 individuals, Mr. X, who is an MBA graduate with 90% and is working for a big company for 3 years. Mr. Z, who serves the same company as Mr. X but with qualifications of bachelors & work experience of only a year. Mr. X excels in terms of qualifications & experience.
Both left to meet their clients one day for some work. Mr. X went into the cabin without knocking and discovered that client was his batch-mate & seeing this he said while patting on his client’s shoulders –“Hey! Good morning. How are you doing? Long time. (flipping the file on the table) have a look at my new proposal, I bet it is awesome dude.”
Mr. Z went in after knocking and receiving a welcome gesture from his client. He recognized the client was someone he knew. He then asked for the permission to sit and spoke-“Good Morning, sir. As per the telephonic discussion, I have prepared a draft of the proposal. Kindly have a look. (handing over the file to the client)”
He then stands up, greets again and then leaves.
The client thrashed Mr. X while Mr. Z got an appreciation for his efforts.
Now you must marvel, what went so wrong with Mr. X? Well, the lack of proper business etiquettes landed Mr. X in this situation. No matter how well qualified he was and how much experience he had, he didn’t act accordingly. When into business, your personal relationships don’t signify, you must act formally.
Mr. Z though being less qualified and experienced than Mr. X, knew how to act professionally and thus strike the chord right.
So, when you are driving in a corporate set up, it signifies how you behave in the business environment.
What are Corporate Etiquettes?
These are an array of generally recognized rules for acting reasonably in a business environment. It is a way of displaying socially relevant behavior in business relationships.
Why Corporate Etiquettes?
- It gives a positive perception of you
- Behaving properly makes you feel confident & composed, letting you focus on your work
- It saves your time as you don’t have to appease the individual whose sentiments you have hurt
- It makes people around you comfortable & they would like to work with you
- Forms an amicable environment
- Ward offs misunderstandings to a remarkable extent
As per research organized by the American Society of Quality Control, 68% of business is cast away by corporate because of the improper attitude of employees’ while approaching expected clients.
So, you can simply infer the importance of Corporate Etiquettes now.
Basic Business Etiquettes to follow:
Here are some absolute DOs & DON’Ts in a corporate set-up:
- Dress properly/formally
- Respect your fellow employees, juniors & seniors
- Keep your workplace neat & clean
- Be punctual, reach office on time
- Respect the privacy of other employees
- Take care of your tone & language
- Never adopt a casual attitude at work
- Don’t squeak into other’s cubicles/workstations
- Don’t keep your phone on ringing mode
- Don’t touch or use other people’s belongings without their permission
- Don’t bully or make fun of fellow employees
- Never wear flashy or exposing clothes to workplace
- Never drink while you are at work
By following these simple tricks & tips you can shine at your workplace and be a star. Incorporate these into your daily life & see the difference. Turacoz Healthcare Solutions encourages the practice of good business etiquettes within its employees and promotes the same. Remember:
“Standards are not established by your proclamations, but by your routines.”