Publication Writing: What Gets Accepted and What Gets Rejected?

by | Jan 29, 2016 | Medical Writing

What is a Publication?

Publications are a healthcare solution which bridges communication of research conducted to the researchers around the world. To publish is to make content available to general public making use of text, images, or other audio-visual content. Publications include books, journals, magazines, newspapers, catalogues etc. A scientific publication is a written and published report describing original research results. Scientific communications aim to communicate new scientific findings in a clear and concise manner.

Barriers in Publishing!

  • Adherence to ethical and scientific standards
  • Format and Documentation Issues
  • Lack of expertise in research methods, incentive, and support for publishing findings
  • Quality problem: interventions are too well studied and do not represent “new knowledge”
  • Intervention does not have good face validity
  • Intervention was tested in a non-generalizable population/setting; sample too small
  • Study design is not robust; study is underpowered to detect significant effects
  • Outcome measures are too few, irrelevant, or inaccurate
  • Manuscript writing is unclear; intervention is not well described

Common Reasons Leading to Manuscript Rejection

A questionnaire based study reported the following to be the most commonly observed flaws leading to manuscript rejection:




Publication Solutions at Turacoz

Turacoz Healthcare solutions based at New Delhi is a budding medical communications organization specializes in various communications including clinical research and regulatory writing; medical marketing solutions; and publication writing. Turacoz focusses on the client’s requirement and delivers projects as per the client’s specifications. At Turacoz, we believe in delivering projects which brings the client back to us.
