Our medical information specialists provide scientifically balanced, non-promotional, evidence-based factual responses to the unsolicited enquiries from healthcare professionals (External customers) pertaining to prescription and safety of drug products throughout their life cycle.

Types of Response Documents That
Our Team Have Created Till Now

Online Medical Courses With Certificates Medical Information
Standard Response Document/Global Response Document
Online Medical Courses With Certificates Medical Information
Custom Response and ContentManagement
Online Medical Courses With Certificates Medical Information
Response DocumentMaintenance
Online Medical Courses With Certificates Medical Information
Literature News

Common Features of Response Documents

Online Medical Courses With Certificates Medical Information

Claim Substantiation and
Science Consulting

Claims for a regulated product are the promise to the user for its performance, safety, and use. As with all communication about a product, the claim statements can be found in many different documents and communications.

Right from the product label to product brochure, or an advertisement or company’s website, or science dossiers, claims can be found everywhere.

Let’s Connect

At Turacoz, we have a dedicated team working on this deliverable type.
