
What is a Blended Workforce?

Blended Workforce definition

When millennials entering the workforce became a big issue, people started talking about a “blended” workforce composed of people of different ages and life experiences.

A blended workforce combines a variety of employees on different contracts, including permanent full-time staff, part-time, temporary workers, contractors and freelancers. Some argue that blended workforces encourage diversity in the workforce.

One of the major challenges HR will have with this blended workforce is how it will work together. HR will be challenged with determining how to train, who to train, what training is allowed by law and how is all this to be delivered in an effective manner. There will be many challenges in structuring this mix of workers. Therefore, staffing agencies can be a big support to companies in managing this challenge.

Some reasons why the blended workforce is emerging as a latest trend in HR:

  • It fills a highly-skilled position quickly and cheaply
  • It allows for flexible workforce scaling
  • It grants more time to companies who are recruiting, trusted freelancers can be used to fill in while the new hire is still being courted or is in the process of onboarding.
  • It uncovers workers with unique skillsets. It’s unlikely that you’ll ever find the right candidate via a traditional job search, but it’s possible to find an on-demand, temporary, or freelance worker with a diverse skillset quickly.

As you can see, the blended workforce is far from being a new invention, but as alternative staffing solutions continue to evolve, it’s becoming a much more valuable tool for companies who are in need of flexible workers.

Maximizing efforts with a blended Workforce

How should your company be working to make the most of a blended workforce?

  • Clear Communication: Every single moment of communication is critical when working with contractors on a limited timeline. Giving detailed instructions and elaborating on your expectations are particularly important since blended teams will have varying levels of familiarity with the company, its goals, processes, and needs.
  • Creating a Sourcing Network: When turning to contractual workers for your company workforce needs, you’ll want to have multiple sources for finding talent. Staffing agencies and expert staffing companies often allow you access to already vetted talent more quickly and efficiently.
  • Focusing on Talent: Different from hiring a full-time employee, contacting with contractual workers allows you to focus on the specific, and perhaps unique, skills that the person will bring to the team.

Turacoz is a workforce management partner for many of our clients. We take care of staffing requirements for life sciences and pharmaceutical/biotech/medical device industry. We provide cost-effective staffing solutions and the personal attention your business deserves, we are committed to developing long-term, successful relationships with each of our clients.

Let’s connect for your blended workforce requirements.

By Smita Soni

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